How to Handle Long-Distance Moves with Pets

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How to travel with pets

Moving to a new home is never easy, but when you add furry family members to the mix, the logistics can get even trickier. Our pets are creatures of habit and a sudden change like a long-distance move can be quite stressful for them. However, with a little preparation and a lot of patience, you can make the transition smoother—not just for your pets, but for yourself, too.

Key Takeaways

  • Preparation: Visit the vet, update ID tags, and pack pet essentials like food, water, and comfort items.
  • Safety During Travel: Secure pets with crates or seatbelts, take frequent breaks, and create a calm travel space.
  • Adjusting to New Home: Introduce your pet slowly, maintain routines, and create a safe, familiar area.

Preparing Your Pets for the Move

Before taking on the road, set the stage for a successful move by executing a few essential preparatory steps.

Visit the Veterinarian

First and foremost, a visit to the vet is crucial. Ensure your pet is up to date on vaccinations and get a full health check-up. Don’t forget to ask for a health certificate, which is often required if you’re crossing state lines or taking a flight. American Humane advises to also check on your pet’s microchip registration and update your contact information.

Update Your Pet’s Identification

Consider updating your pet’s ID tags with your new address. Microchipping is another option that provides enhanced security; it’s a simple process that can make a world of difference if your pet gets lost.

Pack Pet Essential Supplies

Just as you prepare your luggage for the journey, your pet needs their own travel essentials. Pack enough food, a portable bowl for water, and any medication they require. Include comfort items like a favorite toy or blanket. These familiar items can help alleviate some stress for your pet.

You can find more detailed suggestions at Moving, which provides a helpful checklist for moving with pets.

Travel Essentials for Pets
Photo by Impact Dog Crates

During the Move

Once you’re on the move, keeping your pet safe and comfortable is key.

Travel Arrangements

Secure your pets during transit. For car trips, consider crate training your pet before the journey. Alternatives include using a pet seat belt or harness that secures to the car’s seat belt system. This not only keeps them safe but also prevents distractions while driving. According to Treehugger, it’s important to plan ahead and choose the right safety equipment for your pet’s specific needs.

Frequent Breaks

Regular breaks are crucial. Plan stops along your route for bathroom breaks and short exercise sessions. Just like us, pets need to stretch their legs and get a breath of fresh air.

Create a Safe Space

In the vehicle, create a quiet and cozy spot where your pet can relax. This could be a familiar bed or blanket in their crate. Limiting their exposure to too much outside commotion can help them feel more secure.

Settling into the New Home

Your arrival at the new home represents just a new chapter of acclimation. Making pets comfortable in their new environment requires thought and time.

Familiarize Your Pet

Slowly introduce your pet to different areas of your new home. Start with one room where they can feel safe and familiar before expanding their territory to explore more. This gradual transition can reduce anxiety.

Maintain Routines

Stick to regular feeding and walking schedules as much as possible. Consistent routines offer comfort, acting as a lighthouse amid the fog of change for your pets.

Create a Comfortable Space

Set up a designated area where your pet can unwind, complete with their favorite toys and bedding. This sanctuary helps them grasp a sense of familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings.

Einstein Moving gives some insightful advice on maintaining pet routines and creating a welcoming new environment for them.


Moving with pets may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and care, it’s entirely manageable. Remember, patience is your best ally. Just as you are adjusting to new spaces and communities, so are your pets. Take it step by step, and soon enough, your furry friends will feel right at home in their new surroundings.

Need Help Moving Your Vehicle?

Make your long-distance move even easier by letting Mercury Auto Transport handle your vehicle shipping. With safe, reliable, and affordable auto transport solutions, your car will arrive at your new home hassle-free. Don’t stress over the logistics—focus on settling in, and leave the car transport to the experts. Contact Mercury Auto Transport today for a free quote and peace of mind during your move!

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